
Teh Paxxorz Roxxorz

Dropping through the tunnel, I discovered I could control my descent by the mere thought of cheesecake. In my mind, I pictured a graham cracker crust and silky filling and I jerked to a stop. I thought of a fork full of cheesecake and I started falling at a slow speed. Four fork fulls and I slowed. I pictured an empty pan and I dropped like a ton of bricks. I then thought of the ingredients, but I couldn't remember what goes in it aside from cream cheese. I remembered too late. The ground was very hard. My shins bones are sticking out of my legs and the blood is spurting out. The rabbit just left me. It seems that he's late for a very important date. He hated to run, hello goodbye, he's late he's late he's late.


Anonymous said...

why where u banned from the paradox forums?!!????

Dhampir said...

I insinuated that Stonewall sucked off horses and then, in a round-about way, told him to f*** off. roflmao

Anonymous said...

uhm ok lmao...it just amazes me to see alot of known forumites with a zillion posts banned...what the hell was it about anyway that u said such things?and btw r u back under a new alias?

Anonymous said...

lol btw i never thought youd reply on this within a few months :))))

Dhampir said...

I am registered currently, but my new alias must remain anonymous.

I get an e-mail alert when someone posts a comment. Why don't you visit the "new" forum- www.fenomas.com/tomatobb

Anonymous said...

im there ...this is an intresting 'group' you got ur self there lol...ill probably fit in...or something.

suckmykiss is my name