
Sitting here

I'm wondering how to revise the story.

The vast majority of the feedback I got is telling me to scrap the twin brother idea and to choose either the mine or the island to set the story. Clearly, the easiest would be to use just the mine. Scrapping the twins would be the only serious option here. So, this story would all take place in/around the abandoned mine. OK. I'm not thrilled with such a radical change, but I recognize that the advice is good.

The other option is to so expand the story as to make it a novella. I don't think the class would appreciate having to read a 100 page story and my wallet wouldn't appreciate paying for 25 copies of a 100 page story. I may do this eventually, anyway.

I don't have much choice with my limited time. The first option is what I need to do.

And in conclusion, here is a random image from my photobucket account. It's an inside joke that I don't expect anyone to get.

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